BPGHS Code of Conduct
Student Management
In Bukit Panjang Government High School, we believe that every child can engage in behaviours that enable him/her to learn and develop.
Students learn best in a supportive environment. We endeavour to continue to build a safe, respectful and caring community that promotes and supports positive student behaviours and discipline, so that teaching and learning opportunities are maximised and students are motivated to put forth their best in their pursuits.
With this philosophy, we are committed to support students with timely corrective guidance to address their misbehaviour, which may deter them from learning effectively.
Our School Rules and Regulations
Attire And Personal Appearance
Every BPian should take pride in wearing the school uniform. The uniform is a representation of the school and her history. The way the uniform is worn shall NOT reflect individual preferences. BPians MUST wear the BP uniform as prescribed. Every BPian also has to demonstrate respect for self and others by being neat and well-groomed at all times.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform with the school collar pin. Modification to the uniform is not allowed.
All shirts and blouses are to be neatly tucked in at all times when worn with the school shorts/pants/skirt. Shirts/blouses that have become too short to be tucked in will have to be replaced.
Blouse/shirt sleeves and pants must not be folded up. Skirts must not be folded around the waist. Pants/skirts that have become too short will have to be replaced.
Skirts that are 3 or more finger-width above the knee are considered too short.
Pants that are 3 or more finger-width above the ankle are considered too short.
Knee-length skirts are to be worn at the waist. Pants and belts should also be worn at the waist, and they must not be too tight or tapered towards the ankles.
Pleated pants and pants of denim material are not allowed.
Collar pins are to be worn at all times when students are in their full uniform. They must be worn on the left collar.
Only school-issued collar badges are allowed to be worn. Only one CCA collar pin may be worn on the right collar.
All students are to put on the school tie on Mondays during the school assembly, or at important school functions, e.g. Speech Day, Graduation Day, Prize Presentation, etc.
Socks are to be worn at all times and must be visible, but should not be mid-calf or beyond in length. Only white, black, grey and navy blue socks are allowed. Socks with a small logo are allowed. No outlandish shoes with offensive designs are allowed. High-cut shoes are not allowed.
The wearing of flip flops/sandals to school is prohibited except on medical grounds.
Game attire (e.g. CCA T-shirts, jerseys etc) is not allowed during lessons.
Upon feedback from teachers, all rectifications should be done on the day itself, if it is possible, or by the next day the latest. Otherwise, students will be sent back home.
Students can wear half uniform to school on days when they have PE lessons, except Mondays with assembly period.
Half uniform: School T-shirt with school shorts/pants/skirt.
Slacks or track pants can only be worn during PE lessons or during CCA.
The CCA T-shirt is to be worn only for participation in the respective CCAs. Its design must be approved by the CCA Teacher(s) and endorsed by the HOD PE/ CCA.
The Class T-shirt is to be worn only for selected school events. Other T-shirts are not allowed. Its design must be approved by the Form Teacher(s) and endorsed by the HOD/Student Management.
The CCA or Class T-shirt when worn to school, must be matched with the school shorts/pants/skirt.
*The following set of guidelines applies every time the uniform is put on. It applies to all students, at all times, regardless of whether students are in or out of school.
Boys |
Girls |
● Short, neat and tidy hairstyle with natural colour.
● Neat and tidy hairstyle with natural colour.
The following are disallowed: |
● Tinting, dyeing, highlighting or perming of hair |
● Long and/or varnished fingernails |
● Fanciful/striking spectacle frames, tinted glasses or fanciful contact lenses |
● Body studs, rings, bangles, wristbands and necklace of any colour or kind. Students will be told to remove them immediately. Recalcitrants may have their accessories safe kept by the school. |
● Tattoos of any designs, shapes and sizes on any part of the body. |
Important Note:
For attire check on the first day of each school term, students with dyed hair/unacceptable hairstyles will
be identified and referred to the Year Heads or HOD/Student Management.
Students will be sent home on the day itself.

The above guidelines on grooming and attire applies when students come back during the school vacation to attend remedial/supplementary lessons or other activities. Approved CCA attire is allowed too.
Students are not to wear sandals/flip-flops and non-school T-shirts (excluding class T-shirts). Offenders will be asked to leave the school premises.
Attendance & Punctuality
Every BPian has the responsibility of attending all lessons, CCAs and other school activities punctually and regularly.
Attendance in school is compulsory.
Parent / Guardian must call the school to notify the General Office of their child’s / ward’s absence by 7.30am.
Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate or a letter of excuse (up to a maximum of three letters per semester) from the parent / guardian. This medical certificate or letter must be handed in to the Form Teacher the very day the student returns to school.
The following constitutes valid reasons to support a letter from the parent/guardian:
Personal illness, emergencies at home, death within the immediate family or where permission has been granted by the school authority.
The following are considered as unauthorized absences:
Going on overseas trips or holidays during curriculum time
Engaging in unofficial activities during school hours
Students who are absent for assessments (e.g. tests, examinations) must produce a medical certificate to cover the period of absence. Those without a medical certificate will be given a nil grade/mark for the paper that they missed.
Students who are absent without valid reasons and supporting documents will be considered as having played truant and will be recorded as such. Disciplinary action will be taken against students found playing truant or absenting themselves from school without a valid reason.
Students are responsible for the completion of all homework and assignments missed during the time of absence. It is the student’s responsibility to check with their classmates on work that is missed, obtain make-up work (class work and homework assignments) from individual teachers and to arrange and comply with a schedule for make-up work approved by each individual teacher.
The school regards punctuality as a very important virtue. Late coming is a school offence.
Being late for school not only upsets normal school proceedings but also disrupts lessons/programmes.
All students must be punctual for school, lessons, CCA and all other school programmes.
Students must be at the respective venues for assembly by 7.30 am. The designated venues, unless otherwise informed, are:
o Mondays: Multi-Purpose Hall
o Tuesdays and Thursdays: Classrooms
o Wednesdays and Fridays: Multi-Purpose Hall
Students will be deemed as late if they are not in school by 7.30 am.
Students who are late for school must report to the General office to obtain a permission slip to enter their classes.
Consequences will be meted out to those who are late for school, class or any school organised programme, and parents will be notified.
Consequences include detention, service to the school or in-house suspension for serious offenders.
A student may request for an early release from school only on the following conditions:
When he/she is not feeling well,
Upon special request from his/her parent/guardian.
The student must report to the General Office to obtain permission from the Principal/Vice-Principal.
The General Office will inform the parent/guardian to fetch the student from school.
Parents are required to submit their children's travel declarations via Parents Gateway when they go on any trip overseas during the holidays.
Overseas travel applications are not allowed during term time. Students who travel overseas without the permission of the school will be marked as 'absent without valid reason', and be given a nil grade/mark for the assessment they have missed. Should there be a valid reason for overseas travel, applications must be made directly to the Principal.
General Conduct
Every BPian must exhibit exemplary conduct, and show respect and care for others and the environment. Every BPian must respect the school as an environment for conducive learning.
Students must get themselves ready for lessons before the start if the school day, by filling up their water bottles and visiting the toilets before the first lesson. They should also do likewise during each recess so as to be prepared for the next segment of the school day. Hence, students should not request to refill their bottles or visit the toilets during the period immediately after recess.
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) include handphones, ipods, ipads, tablets, laptops, cameras, smart watches and similar electronic devices.
Students are not encouraged to bring their PEDs to school. If they choose to do so, they are personally responsible and accountable for the safe-keeping of their PEDs, to prevent loss, damage and theft.
The following PEDs are disallowed: iPads, tablets, handheld game devices and cameras.
Students are not allowed to wear smart watches to school to prevent distraction during lessons.
The school is a place set apart for conducive learning to take place. Students should respect the place provided by upholding the rules and guidelines that allow each and every student to learn effectively. Hence, they are expected to adhere to the following rules and guidelines with regards to the following PEDs:
Students are required to switch off their handphones and keep them out of sight during school hours, from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM, including during recess, lunch breaks and self-study periods.
Students may store their handphones either in their bags or in their personal lockers (located outside their classroom), which the school provides free of charge. However, students who wish to use a locker must bring their own padlock for security.
Handphones should not be carried around in the hands, or seen lying on or under the study table.
Students who finish school before 3:00 PM (Monday to Thursday) may use their handphones to contact their parents or arrange transportation, but only in the designated area at the foyer outside the GO.
For students who breach the handphone rules, his/her handphone will be safe-kept in the General Office.
First offence: 3 school days
The student MUST inform their parent(s)/guardian(s) about the confiscation.
Student to collect phone from the General Office after lock-up period.
Second and subsequent offence: 1 week
The student MUST inform their parent(s)/guardian(s) about the confiscation
Parent(s)/guardian(s) MUST accompany their child/ward to collect the handphone.
**Phones will not be returned over the weekends/public holidays if the locking period spans across different weeks.
If a student’s handphone has caused him/her to become involved in a disciplinary matter, it may be confiscated. An investigation will be carried out by the school and the student’s parents will be kept informed about the matter. It will only be returned to the student/parent after the investigation has concluded.
Learning Devices (Laptops):
PEDs such as laptops are solely for learning purposes. Personal use such as gaming, watching videos and engaging in social media activities is strictly prohibited.
Violation of any rules pertaining to the use of laptops may result in their confiscation for 3 school days and other disciplinary actions.
If a student’s laptop has caused him/her to become involved in a disciplinary matter, it may be confiscated. An investigation will be carried out by the school and the student’s parents will be kept informed about the matter. It will only be returned to the student/parent after the investigation has concluded.
The bell will ring at the following times:
At the start of the flag-raising ceremony/lesson. Students must be ready at the respective venues for the flag-raising ceremony/lesson.
At the end of the lesson/recess. Students must be ready to move to their respective venues for the next lesson.
At the end of each school day.
Assemble according to their classes and class index numbers quickly and quietly.
Sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart (for Singapore Citizens).
Stand at attention (regardless of where they are) when they hear the National Anthem being played.
Sing the school song with pride.
Pay attention when announcements are being made.
Proceed to class in an orderly and quiet manner after the ceremony.
Assemble according to their classes and class index numbers quickly and quietly.
Observe silence during the assembly.
Behave with consideration towards the speaker or performer(s).
Show appreciation for the time and effort spent in presenting the programme.
Buy and consume food and drinks only during approved times.
Queue up to buy food.
Display good table manners by not leaving or throwing food scraps on the table or floor.
Return all utensils and crockery to the appropriate collection basins provided by each stall.
The canteen and café are the only designated places for food consumption. Do not bring food out of these places to any other areas. Easting and drinking sugary drinks are strictly prohibited in the classroom at all times.
Refrain from disturbing other schoolmates by making excessive and unnecessary noise during recess/lunch break.
Do not loiter around classroom blocks, particularly along the corridors, during recess/lunch break
5 minutes before recess/lunch break ends, students are to make their way back to their classrooms in a quiet and orderly manner to get ready for the next lesson. Students are expected to be back in class at the time recess ends.
Classrooms should only be used for instructional or CCA programmes after school and for self-study. Usage by students for group recreational/leisure purposes is strictly prohibited.
No loitering along the corridors. Students should move along the corridors in a quiet and orderly manner. There should not be running/shouting/playing around at all times.
No gathering of students at the study corners or toilets during changeover periods.
No usage of the school hall for any personal activity at any time of the day unless authorised.
No playing of ball games in the classrooms or any part of the school grounds NOT designated for such activities.
Students may have to pay the replacement / repair costs of minor acts of vandalism in school, such as a damaged locker, broken window or fan, graffiti, etc.
Students are expected to do their own revision and work during the self-study periods.
No playing of ball games, sports, or any other games during the self-study periods.
Students are not allowed to use their handphones during self-study periods.
Students are allowed to use the following venues during self-study periods:
Use all school property with care.
Handle all books, sports equipment and items on loan from the school with care and return them in their original condition after use.
Do not remove any school property from the school premises unless given permission by a teacher.
Report all defective equipment immediately to the General Office. Students will be required to replace any damage or loss which they caused to any school property due to recklessness or negligence.
Make it a habit to save water and electricity. All lights, fans, air conditioners and school equipment must be switched off immediately after use.
Keep the classrooms, noticeboards and furniture clean and tidy, free of unsightly clutter and litter.
Switch off all lights and fans if you are the last person to leave the classroom.
Keep the toilets clean at all times.
Refrain from stepping on the grass.
Classroom Conduct
Every BPian must show respect for self and others’ right to learn, and therefore exercise self-discipline so as not to disturb the learning of self and others.
Report punctually for lessons. You are considered late if you reach the lesson venue more than 5 minutes beyond the start of each lesson.
Bring textbooks, workbooks and other materials relevant to your lessons.
Complete and hand in your assignments by the specified deadline. Any request for an extension of time must be made to the teacher before the deadline.
Stay focused and participate actively during lessons.
Seek the teacher’s permission before leaving the class during lesson.
Do not to disrupt the lessons or waste curriculum time.
Move quietly and quickly in an orderly manner as a class, from one venue to another for lessons.
Do your own self-study when a teacher is absent
No handphones are allowed in the classroom, study corners, corridors, library and any part of the school compound during curriculum time, unless instructed by the teachers for curriculum time, unless instructed by the teachers for academic purposes.
Responsible Use of Equipment
Every BPian is responsible for his/her personal belongings. Every BPian also has the responsibility to be a good digital citizen and make responsible decisions.
Students are strongly advised against bringing valuable items to school.
Students are to be responsible for their own personal belongings and should not leave them unattended at all times.
While the school will assist in the search for lost valuables, the school cannot guarantee the successful return of these valuables. The school cannot be held responsible nor liable in any way for the theft/loss of valuables.
All students are disallowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
The following items will be confiscated if brought to school:
chewing gum
poker cards
pornographic materials
sharp/pointed objects
hazardous chemicals
alcoholic drinks
Note: Parents will be required to meet the HOD/Student Management for a discussion and collect the items confiscated. This does not apply to illegal items.
Students are expected to treat others with respect, behave responsibly and with integrity when using technology.
They shall not engage in any activities relating to the use of the ICT resources that will be in violation of the laws of Singapore, in particular (but not limited to), the Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act (Cap 50A, available at https://sso.agc.gov.sg//) as may be amended from time to time. Some examples of illegal uses are:
downloading, distribution, sharing or storing of seditious, obscene or pornographic materials
infringement of any copyright and intellectual property right
posting online remarks that are racially and religiously insensitive
posting vulgar and/or offensive statements
disruptive of public order
intentionally causing emotional distress/harm to others
making unauthorised attempts to gain access to any account belonging to others
hacking into computer systems
spreading computer viruses
sending undesirable materials
Other inappropriate use of technology, including, but not limited to emails, instant messaging, social media, web publishing, and use of hardware/software which invades the privacy of staff or students, and/or disrupts or interferes with the safety and well-being of he school community, is prohibited, even if such uses take place outside of school.
Disciplinary action will be taken against any student found misusing technology. The PEDs will be confiscated as a disciplinary measure or for the purpose of investigation.
Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) include kick-scooters, skateboards and similar mobility devices.
Students who intend to cycle or use PMDs to commute to school will need to collect an advisory note from the General Office.
There should be no usage of bicycles and PMDs within the school grounds. Cyclists and students with PMDs must secure their bicycles and devices at the designated area within the school.
The school will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to the bicycles and PMDs.
Skateboards or kick-scooters are to be stored in proper storage bags when they are brought to school or to the classroom.
Expected Student Behaviour inside/outside of school
Students are to exercise self-discipline and exemplify school values, whether in/outside the school. They must uphold the good name of the school by conducting themselves in a disciplined and responsible manner. Their every action has a bearing on the image of the school and the reputation of the entire student body.
Students must learn to be responsible for their actions and expect certain consequences if they choose to break the school rules and regulations. Any student who witnesses anyone doing things detrimental to the school, himself/herself or other school mates must bring it to the attention of any staff of the school immediately.
Representation of School
Students may not use the name, image, logo or uniform of Bukit Panjang Government High School, nor may students use representations of staff or students in any medium, including, but not limited to electronic, paper, video and sound, in a manner not in keeping with the mission and values of the school.
Posting pictures, videos, emails or other communication of staff without the express permission of the staff is also prohibited. These prohibitions specifically include, but are not limited to pictures, emails, personal web pages, social networking sites and blogs.
Students who display information, pictures or language contrary to school policy and the mission and values of the school on such a site, or in any medium will be subject to disciplinary action.
The school has the sole discretion in determining what constitutes appropriate representation of the school’s name, image, uniform and logos.
Students may be barred from representing the school in competitions or other school activities if their conduct/behaviour is deemed to have infringed school rules and regulations.
Conduct Grade
A conduct grade reflects a student’s general conduct or behaviour throughout the semester. In BPGHS, all students are expected to exemplify the school values in their attitude and behaviour. They are also expected to demonstrate self-discipline and abide by all the school rules and regulations.
Assessment of conduct grades is based on teachers’ assessment of the students’ demonstration of the school values (respect, resilience, integrity, responsibility and care for others). A student’s conduct grade will be assigned towards the end of each semester by the Form Teacher(s), a selected subject teacher and the teacher in charge of the student’s CCA.
For students who have committed any minor or major offences, the HOD/Student Management and Student Development Team will adjust the conduct grade for the students in accordance with the school’s disciplinary measures.
Only students with conduct grade ‘Good’ and above will be eligible for any government or school awards, e.g. Edusave/Eagles/Colours/Edusave Character Award.
The following guide will be used by teachers in assigning the conduct grade to each student:
Conduct Grade |
Descriptors |
Excellent |
A student who consistently behaves in an exemplary manner.
Very Good |
A student who consistently behaves well. He/she
Good |
A student who behaves well most of the time.
Fair |
A student who shows unacceptable behaviour.
Poor |
A student who frequently shows unacceptable behaviour.
Discipline Management for Major and Minor Offences
As the school strives to provide a safe, respectful and caring community that promotes and supports positive student behaviour and discipline, students are also expected to learn and take responsibility for their actions or misbehaviours, and be expected to receive certain consequences if they choose to break the school rules and regulations.
The school reserves the right to revise, formulate and add new rules as it deems necessary. The HOD/Student Management, together with the Student Development Team, are authorised to deliberate and decide on the form of consequences to be meted out for any misbehaviour or misdeed of a student.
At stipulated junctures for each offence, teachers will update HOD/Student Management and/or the Student Development Team for follow-up actions.
All offences (major and minor cases) will be recorded in the School Cockpit Offence Module (SOM). Only students with Good Conduct Grade and above will be eligible for MOE Edusave / EAGLES/ Colours/ Edusave Character Award and other school awards.
Offences |
Description |
Consequences |
Major |
Include but not limited to:
Minor |
*Late-coming records will be reviewed at the end of the first semester to determine whether they are carried forward or reset for the second semester. Conditions for reset:
For Late-coming:
+Consequences differ for the other minor offences indicated here. School will refer to internal disciplinary standard operating procedures for follow up. |
Include but not limited to:
Students who break school rules will be required to serve up to a maximum of 4 hours of detention/service to school (each time) as a consequence of their misbehaviour or misconduct. They will be given 30 minutes to have their lunch before commencing their detention/service to school.
During detention/service to school, the student will reflect on his/her behaviour and make a decision to change the undesirable behaviour to a positive one.
Students are responsible to approach the teacher-in-charge of detention or the HOD/Student Management to arrange for an alternate date if they are unable to serve their detention/perform the service to school on the assigned day.
Athletic practices or games, after-school employment, co-curricular activities, transportation difficulties or forgetting that one has an outstanding detention/service to school are not considered as valid reasons for not turning up for detention.
Failure to report for detention/ service to school will result in more serious consequences. Students with overdue detentions/unperformed service to school may not participate in school activities or CCAs until these detentions are served/service to school is performed. If a pattern of overdue detentions/unperformed service to school develops, the student is liable for suspension. Parents will be informed accordingly.
Caning will be meted out in accordance to MOE guidelines and the school rules as one of the possible consequences for major offences.
Caning, with a range of 1 to 3 strokes of a light cane, may be given on the palms, or buttocks over clothing, and nowhere else (for male offenders only).
Caning will be carried out by either the Principal or a delegated senior member of staff, in the General Office.
The student's parents will be informed with details of the offence and the follow up actions that the school will be taking before caning is meted out.
The school will take appropriate follow-up actions to counsel the student concerned.
The HOD/Student Management notifies the student’s parents and teachers of the student’s in-school/house suspension.
The student may not participate in any school activity during the 24-hour period of any suspension day.
A student who is suspended either in or out of school is required to do the academic work missed on the day(s) of his/her suspension in order to receive an appropriate grade for the work done.
For an in-school suspension, the student is expected to:
Report directly to the HOD/Student Management before flag raising at the General Office.
Be responsible for making up all class work and homework.
Complete a reflective writing assignment, which is to be signed by a parent and returned to the HOD/Student Management, the day following the suspension.
For a home suspension, the student is expected to:
Sit for missed tests and quizzes on the day he/she returns to school (will be rescheduled by subject teachers).
Complete all class work and homework for each day of the home suspension and submit the work upon his/her return to school.
Submit a reflective writing assignment to the HOD/Student Management upon his/her return to school. This assignment is to be signed by a parent.